Tanit: This word has come from the Phoenician myths, according to which it is the names of Goddess of love, stars and moon which possible means “lady serpent”.Libelle: This word has been derived from the German language which means The Dragonfly.Kaida: The word Kaida means the little dragon which looks very cute for your female pets.Druk: The meaning of the word Druk is the Thunder dragon which can perfectly explain the unstoppable and naughty as hell like nature of your little ones.
Linnie: It is another variation for the name Linda which means serpent. However, in Italian language Linda just simply means pretty. Linda: It is an English word that has been derived from the Germanic word known as Lindi (means serpent). Dalinda: The meaning of Dalinda is the noble serpent in English that will perfectly suit your little one. Mindy: Mindy is another word or variation for Melinda which has the same meaning as Melinda (dark/sweet serpent). So together the meaning of name Melinda is a dark/sweet serpent. Melinda: It is a word of modern English which is composed by Mel (means sweet or dark) and Linda (means serpent). Bellinda: It can also be spelled as Belinda in the English language. Together the meaning of this name is a gracious and beautiful serpent. It means favor or grace in Latin language and according to German names, it means a beautiful serpent. Annabelinda: This name has been derived from the Latin names. In mythology, Tiamat is the name of primeval sea Dragon Goddess and mother of the first God. Tiamat: This name is composed of Ti which means “life” and Ama which means “mother”, so together Tiamat means “mother of life”. This name comes under the category of water dragon names. Hydra was the name of a dragon that had multiple heads but later on, was killed by Hercules.
Hydra: The word Hydra means water in the Greek language.So Scroll down to have a look at dragon names and meanings related to it: Also, these names can be used for the cute little female pets that you love the most. SOME MORE INTERESTING FUNNY AND CUTE NAMES OF DRAGONSįEMALE DRAGON NAMES (GIRL DRAGON NAME): Have you ever thought about naming your little angel after some monster looking creatures like Dragons? If not, then you can give it a chance by going through all the badass bearded dragon names that are given below.